Privacy policy

Privacy Policy Briefly

To have information about your personal Data collected, the aims and subjects with whom Data is shared, You can contact Controller.

Controller of Data processing

The Controller is N.P.T. S.r.l. con socio unico. Data subject can contact the Controller at the email address

Type of Data collected

Personal Data can be freely provided from User or, in case of use and browsing Data, automatically collected while using this Application.

Unless otherwise specified, all Data required by this Application are compulsory.  If User refuses to communicating, it may be impossible for this Application to provide the Service.

To display the Data collected, check the Cookie Policy.

Purpose and procedure for the processing

The personal Data collected may be processed for the following purposes:

– giving execution to a specific User request;

– improving the User experience on the Company website.

The Data may be processed by automated or electronic means.

Period of retention

Data are processed and kept for the period deemed strictly necessary to fulfil the purposes for which they have been collected.

When processing is based on User’s consent, the Controller may retain personal Data longer as long as such consent is not withdrawn.

At the end of retention period, personal Data will be deleted.

Link to third party websites

Third party websites accessible from this website are under the third parties responsability.

The Controller declines all responsability concerning  requests and/or  provision of personal data to  third party website.

Data Users’s rights

Users may exercise following rights:

User can exercise the abovementioned rights by writing to N.P.T. S.r.l. con socio unico.

Amendments to this Privacy Policy

The Controller reserves the right to amend the Privacy Policy in any moment, giving information to Users:

Please regularly consult this page, with reference to date of last update indicate at the end.

If amendments affect processing based on User consent, the Controller shall collect new consent from the User, if necessary.  

Last update

20 Febbraio 2020

Privacy Policy Extensive

To have information about  your personal Data collected, the aims and subjects with whom Data is shared, You can contact Controller.

Controller of Data processing

The Controller is N.P.T. S.r.l. con socio unico. Data subject can contact the Controller at the email address

Typology of Data collected

Full details on each type of Data collected are provided in the dedicated sections on this Privacy Policy or through specified informative texts displayed before collecting Data.

Personal Data can be freely provided from User or, in case of use and browsing Data, automatically collected while using this Application.

Unless otherwise specified, all Data required by this Application are compulsory.  If User refuses to communicating, it may be impossible for this Application to provide the Service. In cases where this Application states some Data as optional, Users are free to refrain from communicate these Data, without any consequences on availability or operation of the Service.

To display the Data collected, check the Cookie Policy.

If Users have any doubts on which Data are compulsory, they are welcome to contact the Controller.

Possible use of Cookie – or other tracking devices – by this Application or by holders of third party services used by this Application, unless otherwise specified, has the aim of providing Service requested from the User, besides to the additional purposes described in this document and in the Cookie Policy, if available.

User assumes responsability of third party personal Data obtained, published or shared through this Application and guarantees that it has the right to communicate or spread them, releasing the Controller from any responsability towards third parties.

Purpose and procedure for the processing

The personal Data collected may be processed for the following purposes:

– giving execution to a specific User request;

– improving the User experience on the Company website.

The Data may be processed by automated or electronic means.

Terms and place of processing Data collected

Term of processing

The Controller takes appropriate security measures to prevent access, divulgation, modification or destruction not authorized of personal Data.

The processing is carried out by using automated or electronic means, with organisational arrangements and with logical modalities strictly related to purposes indicated. In addition to Controller, in some cases, other subjects involved in the organisation of this Application may have access to Data (administrative  staff, sales staff, marketing staff, legal, system administrators) or external parties (such as  third technical services provider, mail carriers, hosting provider, computer companies, communication agencies) designeted also, if necessary, Responsibles of the processing  by the Controller. The update list of Responsibles may be requested to Controller of processing.

Legal basis for processing

The Controller processes personal Data related to User in case exist one of the following conditions:

It is however always possible to ask to Controller to clarify the real legal basis of each processing and in particular to specify if processing is based on law, provided for in an agreement or necessary to enter into an agreement.

Processing location

Data are processed at the operational headquarters of the Controller and in any other places where parties involved in the processing are located. For furhter information, contact the Controller.

User’s personal Data may be transferred to a different country from that in which the User is located. In order to have more information about the processing location User may refer to section related to details on personal Data processing.

User has right to obtain information in relation to legal basis of transfer of Data outside the European Union or to an international organisation of public international law or consisting of two or more country, such as ONU, as well as about security measures taken by Controller for Data protection.

User can verify whether take place one of transfer just described by examining the section of this document relating to details on personal Data Protection or ask information to Controller by contacting Controller at the contact details at the opening.

Period of retention

Data are processed and kept for the period deemed strictly necessary to fulfil the purposes for which they have been collected. Therefore:

When the processing is based on User consent, the Controller may retain personal Data longer, as long as such consent is not withdrawn. Moreover, the Controller could be obliged to store Personal Data for a longer period in compliance with legal requirement or upon order of an authority.

At the end of retention period, personal Data will be delated. Therefore, upon the expiry of this term, right of access, deletion, rectification and Data portability shall not be exercised anymore.

Link to third party websites

Third party websites accessible from this website are under the third parties responsability.

The Company declines all responsability concerning  requests and/or  provision of personal data to  third party website.

User’s rights

Users may exercise certain rights related to Data processed by the Controller.

In particular, User has the right to:

User can exercise the abovementioned rights by writing to N.P.T. S.r.l. con socio unico.

Details on right of opposition

When personal Data are processed in the public interest, in the exercise of public authority of wich the Controller is invested or for the persecution of legitimate interest of Controller, Users have rights to object to processing for reason connected to their particular situation.

Users must know that, whether their Data were processed for direct marketing purpose, they may object to processing without giving any reasons. To find out if Controller process for direct marketing purpose, Users may refer to the relevant sections of this document.

How to exercise the rights

In order to exercise User’s rights, Users may address a request to the Controller contact details indicated in the present document. The requests are lodge free of charge and processed by the Controller in the shortest time possible, in any case within one month.

Further information about processing

Defence in court proceedings

Users’s personal Data may be utilised by Controller in legal action or in preparatory stages for the defence against abuse by User in the use of Application or related Services.

User declares to be aware that Controller could be obliged to disclose Data by order of public authority.

Specific Information

On User request, in addition to information contained in this Privacy Policy, this Application could provide to User some specific information related to specific Services, or collection and processing of personal Data.

Address Management and sending email messages

Application may provide for Data collection services aimed mainly to provision of services towards User, but secondarily may consent the collection and database management of email contacts, phone contacts or other different kind of contacts.

These services could consent to collect data related to date and time of display of message by User, as well as to the interaction with of User, such as information about clic on hyperlink included in the messages.

All these Data are processed in compliance with the present Privacy Policy.

System Log and maintenance

For needs related to operation and maintenance, this Application and any third-party services it used could collect system log, which are files that record the interaction and that could include also User’s technical personal Data.

Answer to requests “Do Not Track”

Requests “Do Not Track” are actions that User may undertake in order to prevent the automatic collection of its Data.

This Application support requests “Do Not Track”.

Amendments to this Privacy Policy

The Company reserves the right to amend the Privacy Policy in any moment, giving information to Users on this page and, if possible, on this Application as well as, whether technically and legally feasible, by sending a notice to Users through one of  contact details of which Controller is in possession. Please consult on a regular basis this page, by reference to last update indicated down the page.

If amendments affect processing activities based on User consent, the Controller shall collect new consent from the User, if necessary.

Information not contained in this policy

Further information related to personal Data may be required in any moment to the Controller using the contact details.

Definitions and legal references

(this) Application

The hardware o software tool through which are collected and processed personal Data of Users.

User Data

Are automatic information collected through this Application (even from Application of third party incorporeted in this Application), among which: IP address or domain names of computers utilised by User that connects with this Application, address in notation URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), time of the request, method used to forward request to server, size of the file obtained in  response, number code indicating the status response of request (successful, error, etc.) country of origin, properties of broswer and properties of  operating system utilised by visitor, different time connotations of visit (by way of example holding time on each page) and details related to route followed in the Application, with specific reference to sequence of the pages consulted, to parameters related to operating system and system environment of User.

Personal Data (or Data)

Represents personal Data any information that, directly or indireclty, also in relation to other information, included a number of personal identification, makes identifiable a physical person.


Physical person to whom personal Data refers.

Responsible of the processing (or Responsible)

Physical person, legal entity, public administration and any other entity that process personal Data on the User’s behalf, as described in the present Privacy Policy.

Legal References

The present privacy policy is drawn up on the basis of multiple legislations, included articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation no. 2016/679.

Unless otherwise specified, this privacy policy concerns only this Application.


The Service provided by this Application as defined in its relative terms (if present) on this website/application.

Controller of Processing (or Controller)

Physical person or legal entity, public authority, service or any other entity that, individually or together with other, determines the purposes and means of  personal data processing and tools adopted, included security measures related to operation and fruition of this Application. The Controller of Processing, unless otherwise specified, is the holder of this Application.

European Union (or EU)

Unless otherwise specified, any reference to European Union contained in this document is meant extended to all current member states of European Union and European Economic Area.


Individual using this Application that, unless otherise specified, corresponds to Subject.

Last update

20 Febbraio 2020